On 18-19.02.2025 another, this time 2-day, meeting of the LumAI consortium had been organized! Aims of the project include development of luminescent taggants for security documents, their mobile detection and verification of the authenticity of these security features using a smartphone! In addition to Łukasiewicz-IMiF – the project leader, the meeting was attended by: the company 3D-nano from Cracow, a research institute from Latvia – Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia and the organizers of the meeting: Vilnius University and the company Garsų Pasaulis from Lithuania.
On the first day, we visited, the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology at the Faculty of Physics of Vilnius University. The host of the meeting was Prof. Pranciškus Vitta, Vice-dean for Science and Strategic Development of Vilnius University and the leader of the team on the Lithuanian side. After presenting current tasks and planning further research work, we had the opportunity to visit laboratories of the Organic Optoelectronics Group and Semiconductor Optoelectronics Group, in the new VU campus. Additionally, a pleasant surprise was a visit to the historic interiors of the Vilnius University Library, founded in 1570 by the Jesuit Order.
On the second day, we visited our second Lithuanian partner, Garsų Pasaulis, which produces secured documents, e.g. identity cards, diplomas, visas and tax stamps. After a detailed inspection at the entrance to the printing house and under the watchful eye of cameras, our colleagues dealing with various secured printing techniques, familiarized us with selected aspects of their work, which definitely will be very useful for achieving the final goal of our project.
Project LumAI was selected in the Joint Transnational Call 2022 of M-ERA.NET 3, which is an EU-funded network of about 49 funding organisations (Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 958174). The project is funded by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) in Poland, Latvian Council of Science (LZP) in Latvia and Research Council of Lithuania (LMT) in Lithuania.