Today is 1st ever EU Efficiency Energy Day! We have developed a solution for public-utility buildings like hospitals, schools, as well as offices, warehouses, etc. – in a nutshell: all the places that need to cut expenses on electricity bills and save money. Meaning: all the buildings in our current times… You can learn about how good our solution is from the infographic attached below.
Łukasiewicz – IMiF in cooperation with LARS Lighting has created an intelligent lighting system, by combining LED technology with radar motion sensors, twilight sensors, and light control systems; the lamps in our solution work autonomously!
Still not convinced? What would you say to a significant reduction in the cost of replacing light sources and maintenance, due to the long life of LED luminaires – up to 50 thousand hours of continuous operation?
If you want to learn more, message our specialist: and ask him about all you’re interested in… because you’re interested in our LED lighting system, right?