Once upon a time, the European Workshop on Thermoelectrics turned into a series of conferences. Since then European researchers in the field of thermoelectricity have met in various picturesque locations across the continent to exchange their most recent findings and advancements in this domain.

This week, the 19th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2023), which is taking place in Prague, Czech Republic, has warmly welcomed our four musketeers: Rafał Zybała, PhD, Krystian Kowiorski, PhD, Kamil Kaszyca, and Bartosz Bucholc. They are proudly presenting extensive research results of the COTEG project which is all about developing thermoelectric materials, thanks to which we can convert waste heat into electrical energy.

Even though the vast majority of the conference evolves around new thermoelectric materials, issues related to solutions that can be implemented (including ours) definitely find the greatest interest of participants.

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Published On: 22 September 2023, 09:05|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Materiałów Funkcjonalnych|Tags: , |