The sun is shining brighter, and the days are getting warmer, but did you know that the temperature at the core of the Sun reaches about 15 million degrees Celsius?
In fusion reactors like ITER Organization, scientists heat fuel—hydrogen isotopes, deuterium and tritium—to 150 million degrees Celsius. That’s more than ten times hotter than the Sun’s core!

Such extreme conditions are necessary because, unlike the Sun, the Earth lacks the immense gravitational pressure that naturally enables nuclear fusion at lower temperatures. Here on Earth, we must supply much more energy to help hydrogen nuclei overcome their electrostatic repulsion and fuse, releasing energy.

To support the transition from fusion research to industrial-scale energy production, Łukasiewicz – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics and our graphene brand GET® have joined the European Fusion Association (EFA).

EFA is an international, non-profit association of leading companies across the fusion value chain. EFA stands for accelerating the transition of fusion energy from lab to grid, European unity, and leadership in a global fusion future.
You can learn more about EFA here .


GET® is also part of the Innovative Advanced Materials Initiative (IAM-I). The IAM-I ecosystem was established to accelerate the time-to-market of sustainable, innovative, and advanced materials and associated technologies designed for a digital circular economy.

We focus on coordinating R&D projects and commercializing electronic-grade graphene. It is actively engaged in high-temperature magnetic diagnostics and fast-neutron fluence dosimetry. All for the Fusion Energy Science and UNICEF Goal No. 7: Affordable and Clean Energy.

Encouraged by customers, GET® has engaged in education. You can get answers to your graphene questions in our new FAQ section .
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Published On: 11 March 2025, 08:05|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Grafenu, Media|Tags: , , , , |