Quo Vadis Polish Microelectronics and Photonics? We’ve just had our “first date” with Intel – a very successful one to address this question. Organized by Łukasiewicz – IMiF, the two-day Intel-Łukasiewicz workshop has become a historical event, as we embarked on a journey to open a new chapter to reunite the microelectronics ecosystem in Poland. The workshop aimed at exploring cooperation opportunities between Polish research organizations and Intel or other European semiconductor players as well as to provide an insight into the untapped potential behind Polish microelectronics, including wide band gap semiconductors.

More Dates, More Collaboration

But just as first dates tend to go, that spark of desire for more has been ignited, the Intel – Łukasiewicz workshop has left us eager for more intense further collaboration. The potential is immense, and we can create something exceptional together. That’s what collaboration, the word that has occurred during the workshop in every possible form, is all about.

“Intel has operations across all regions of the world. Intel’s recent announcements to build new manufacturing facilities in Germany and Poland as well as in Ohio state show the willingness of our CEO, Pat Gelsinger, to rebalance the global supply chain of semiconductors and have a much stronger presence of semiconductor manufacturing, both in the U.S. and in Europe” – highlighted by Intel Senior Fellow Robert Chau.

Piotr Cywiński of Łukasiewicz – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics: “The large Intel investment in Poland will certainly generate a network of subcontractors around, and then, develop the whole system in terms of technology and labor experience.”

Polish companies and universities are brimming with talent, expertise, and innovative ideas. The resources available are nothing short of remarkable, yet they remain untapped. We took the first step towards unlocking this potential. For this journey to reach its full potential, a significant increase in investments in microelectronics and photonics in Poland is of paramount importance. The microelectronics sector is the backbone of the tech-driven future we’re building, and Polish decision-makers have to put significant resources into this industry. Chips are considered to be the oil of the future, at last.

The Intel-Łukasiewicz workshop has highlighted the urgent need to secure funding and resources that will allow us to create a high-tech new industry in Poland. Let’s keep the momentum going, let’s continue the conversation, and let’s work together to create a future where Poland shines on the global microelectronics stage. We can’t wait for the next date!

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Published On: 30 October 2023, 08:58|Categories: Aktualności|Tags: , |