On June 9, our Research Network will be organizing the biggest event in Poland combining science with business called Innovatorium. We are going to talk about, inter alia, electromobility, hydrogen power, and Gallium Nitride Technologies.

Since you’re here, there’s a great chance that at least one of the above subjects might be of interest to you – in particular- GaN. During a thematic matchmaking session with Andrzej Taube, Ph.D., a GaN expert, all of you will have an excellent opportunity to build project consortia that jointly implement the highest quality research and development projects.

We have invited Inwebit and Dacpol to tell you about cooperation with us!

Why GaN? Because it’s our future! GaN has the potential to replace silica in some uses.

To take part in Innovatorium, register now by clicking HERE.

This free event will be held in Poznań, and the number of participants is limited.

Why join us?
–  You will acquire business and institutional partners for R&D projects
–  You will find financing for technologies at an early stage of development
–  You will meet the best Polish scientists and engineers

You’re invited!