New Article published in Elseviere’s Acta Materialia !
We are proud to announce the publication of a manuscript in Elseviere’s Acta Materialia Journal! The work was conducted in collaboration with scientists from University of São Paulo, Brazil, University of Aveiro, Portugal, University of Lille, France, and University of Münster, Germany. In this paper, we report on the effect of the addition of sodium metaborate (NaBO2) on the structure of phase-separated alkali-free bioactive glass by substituting SiO2 with the with equimolar mixture of Na2O and B2O3. Glasses synthesized at Łukasiewicz – IMiF were investigated using different nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, combined with the Monte Carlo simulations to determine the structure of the glass and its components distribution. The results provide an in-depth look at novel challenges in the design of bioactive glasses.
read more: Acta Materialia