Nobel Prize winner and Intel legend as experts in our recruitment! „We are sure that creating such a unique recruitment process, in which world-class experts are involved, will provide great knowledge value, interesting exchange of experiences, and the best possible recruitment decisions!” – said Tatiana Borys, our HR Business Partner, on our recruitment process benefit. What is this benefit?

For the most important positions – directors in our new Research Centers – we have decided to implement a recruitment process with an additional stage – International Recruitment Panel. During its duration, the pre-selected candidates will have a chance to  present themselves, their achievements as well as their ideas for the development of the Institute in front of experts in their field of science:

– Prof. Hiroshi Amano who is is one of the most recognized and prominent scientists working in the field of gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductor materials, devices, and characterisation techniques. His pioneering works on the development of the first blue light-emitting diodes have been awarded numerous prizes, including Nobel Prize in Physics in 2014 and they have contributed to improving the quality of life and solving the problems of climate change on Earth.

Professor Amano also has long-term cooperation with Polish scientific institutions, especially with the Institute of High-Pressure Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, the most important collaborator of our Institute in the field of gallium nitride electronics.

– Robert S. Chau is an Intel Senior Fellow and director of Components Research in Technology Development at Intel Corporation. He is responsible for Intel’s research efforts, including internal research and external collaborations, to enable future process technology options for Intel’s technology development organizations.

Chau has earned 7 Intel Achievement Awards, including one for the research and development of Intel’s 22nm Tri-Gate transistor technology. He was the co-recipient of the 2008 SEMI Award for North America for the development of Intel’s 90nm strained silicon technology and the 2008 EDN Innovator of the Year award for the development of Intel’s 45nm high-k metal gate transistor technology. Chau received the 2012 IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal for “sustained leadership in developing innovative transistor technologies for advanced logic products.

Director of the Center of Silicon Microelectronics wanted!

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Published On: 5 June 2023, 09:59|Categories: Aktualności|Tags: , |