What you see in the photo above is a “birthday cake” made out of flake graphene (reduced graphene oxide to be precise). Why do we post about it today? To commemorate Barbórka, a traditional Polish celebration observed on December 4th, which is deeply rooted in the mining culture and commemorates the challenges and sacrifices made by miners in extracting natural resources such as coal. Speaking of coal… it just so happens that both coal and flake graphene, which we produce in our labs, are carbon materials, obviously.

Connecting Barbórka and graphene together might therefore symbolize a bridge between tradition and innovation. Graphene, a single-layer carbon structure, embodies remarkable properties that revolutionize various industries, including mining.

Here we go: Graphene-based materials can be used in developing advanced safety equipment for miners. For instance, incorporating graphene into protective gear could enhance durability and fire resistance, offering improved safety measures for miners working in challenging environments.

To learn more about flake graphene (G-Flake) produced by our researchers, read an interview with our business analyst:

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Published On: 4 December 2023, 15:52|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Nanoelektroniki|Tags: , , , |