In our Institute, we work on GaN-based power devices but truth be told… it’s the knowledge that is power. Never underestimate it. Why do we say this? Today is International Education Day, and this time UNESCO has decided to shed some light on the situation of Afghan girls and women. The worst part is that every day without education in Afghanistan hinders progress made since 2001. 

„I am glad that during events such as the International Education Day organized by UNESCO, attention is drawn to the problem of limited access to education for Afghani girls and women. I would like all of us to live in a world where everyone, regardless of their place of birth or gender, will have equal opportunities for development and education. Each acquired knowledge increases self-esteem and makes us more independent. Nowadays, having these features by every human being is crucial to live in a harmonious and happy world” – says Karolina Piętak-Jurczak, our researcher.

Also, we believe that „love of learning is the most necessary passion… in it lies our happiness”, as Émilie du Chârelet, a French philosopher and mathematician living in the 18th century, said.

„No country in the world should bar women and girls from receiving an education. Education is a universal human right that must be respected. The international community has the responsibility to ensure that the rights of Afghan girls and women are restored without delay. The war against women must stop” – says Audrey Azoulay UNESCO General Director.

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Published On: 24 January 2023, 14:57|Categories: Aktualności|Tags: , |