IP is not only about an IP address, it happens so that IP stands for Intellectual Property. Today, we have World Intellectual Property Day. Did you know that protecting IP is crucial in our industry as we don’t want our researchers to lose everything – the effect of their work, and years spent in laboratories to come up with a new solution? But truth be told, IP really is important for all of us, not just scientists – do you remember the story of Facebook’s beginnings? Well, keep it in mind.

„The most common forms of protection are patents and trademarks – says our IP expert – Hanna Toczko. „Why is it worth to patent?” – she carries on. „It is worth doing it to secure your innovative and competitive solution, which (thanks to protection) can be commercialized, e.g. as a license. Such an option allows you to raise funds for further research and development of your technology. In addition, a patent gives the owners of the right a market monopoly for a given technology, strengthens their position on the market, and increases their competitiveness against other entities in a technological industry.”

That is why last year, we applied for two trademarks to protect our two brands (and now they’re fully protected).

  • G-Flake – this mark was created especially for our flagship product, e.g. flake graphene. Thanks to this, our products stand out from the others, they can build a sense of guarantee of good quality products among consumers and target more of them.
  • Predom – the logo was designed especially for our branch. It should build a greater recognition of our sub-brand on the market. Moreover, this sign has been recently awarded for its design!

Both the above-mentioned trademarks were applied in both the European Union and Great Britain.

In addition to our trademarks, our main task is to protect  innovative solutions under patent protection, below are the last 2 examples:

Pat. 240956: “Water-dilutable varnish with the addition of graphene oxide with anti-corrosion properties.” The patent is also shared with the Military University of Technology and Łukasiewicz – Warszawski Instytut Technologiczny. It is a joint patent created as a result of cooperation with our scientific partners. Thanks to such cooperation, unique and modern ideas can be born!

EP3098198: “Production method of graphene foil with a pre-defined number of graphene layers.” This is our newest European patent! In the case of this patent, we decided to extend patent protection to other European Union countries in order to protect our solution more broadly. The possibility of extending patent protection gives us the opportunity to secure our innovative solution in countries where a given technology is developing dynamically, thanks to which we become competitive, and we also gain the opportunity to commercialize the patent not only in Poland but also abroad!

If you find this topic interesting, let us know as we can offer you an IP course!

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Published On: 26 April 2023, 08:52|Categories: Aktualności|Tags: , , |