We’ve got it! Karolina Piętak-Jurczak’s project titled “Synthesis of passivation from aluminum oxide for precise modification of the physicochemical properties of graphene” will receive funding in the PRELUDIUM 21 competition. Only 258 projects out of 2163 were qualified for this competition which has just been announced by the National Science Center NCN.

What that means is, that over the next 36 months, Karolina will be analyzing the mechanism of graphene passivation using the ALD (atomic layer deposition) method. She will also try to find an answer to the question of whether it is possible to control the graphene passivation process in a way that allows specific physicochemical properties of graphene to be obtained.

In other words, the described research will determine, by appropriately covering graphene with aluminum oxide, which protects it, whether we can improve its electrical properties, among others. The development of this knowledge will be the next step to enhance graphene-based electronics.

We can’t wait for the first research results!

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Published On: 27 December 2022, 08:51|Categories: Aktualności, Grafen i Kompozyty, Grupy Badawcze, Nagrody|Tags: , |