Project NewILUMIS was selected in the Joint Transnational Call 2019 of M-ERA.NET 2, which is an EU-funded network of about 43 partners from 29 countries. The project is funded by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR, project no M-ERA.NET2/2019/8/2021) in Poland, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, project no ANR-20-MERA-0005) in France and Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWK, IKTS proposal number: 100481074)) in Germany.
This measure in Germany is co-financed with Tax resources based on the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament.
Project duration: 1.09.2020 – 29.02.2024
Total project cost: 1 015 000 euro
NCBR co-financing: 1 822 357,50 PLN
The goal of the project is to develop a new functional material based on a layered ceramic associated with a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) structure and a mesoporous topcoat as an innovative photonic component for lighting/sensing.
The core of the lightning structure will be a rare-earth doped (RE3+) ceramic (YAG). Its layered construction will allow tailoring of the spectral and spatial characteristics of the light source under LED excitation. The ceramic composition (active dopants, scattering phase material, etc.) will be modified in order to obtain the desired colour rendering index and high efficiency of the resulting source.
This light source will be used for sensing when combined with SPR and functionalized mesoporous coatings. Packaging issues will also be considered to produce a demonstrator whose performance will be tested in relevant industrial applications.
A new photonic component will be created with great application potential, including environmental protection, medical diagnostics, and water contamination detection – says Anna Kozłowska, Ph.D. D.Sc., Eng. the NewILUMIS project leader.
Possible use includes:
- detection of heavy metals in liquids (Cu, Pb, etc.)
- detection of air pollution (NOx, etc.)
- medical sensors for diagnosis such illnesses as cancer
Project Leader:
Anna Kozłowska
Ph.D., D.Sc.

Last but not least: the creation of a demonstrator at the Fraunhofer IKTS Institute developed as part of the for the lighting-sensory component project, by producing a complete, hermetically sealed device will be an important step towards commercialization of the project results. The way it works will be tested by an industrial partner – Teknosystem sp. z o.o.
Project Partners
The consortium working on the NEW ILUMIS project consists of:
- Łukasiewicz – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, Poland – leader
- Institute of Research for Ceramics, France
- Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Germany
- Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
- Teknosystem sp. z o.o., Poland
Institute of Research for Ceramics
The Institute of Research for Ceramics (IRCER) is dedicated to ceramic materials, processes, surface treatments, and coatings. Applications of these innovative and advanced technologies are illustrated in many sectors: environment and energy, information and communication technologies, health, eco-materials. More >>
Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS
IKTS offers R&D services for ceramic multilayer-based components and systems, material selection corresponding to the needed requirements, design, and construction, R&D for special applications, integration of 3D structures (channels, membranes, cavities), 3D-metalization, sacrificial layer technology, pressure-assisted sintering, characterization, and tests. More >>
Warsaw University of Technology, (the) Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics
The institute focuses on research, project, and development of lasers, optical fibers, photovoltaics, etc. More >>
Teknosystem sp. z o.o.
Teknosystem manufactures electromechanical systems that are used in the production of the following end-products: forklifts (PCB with cables) and ready electromechanical systems as components for manufacturing of switchboard boxes, control boxes, assembly systems, electro-technical equipment, power supply. More >>
Contact Details
Anna Kozłowska, Project Leader
tel. +48 22 639 57 79