Consortium members:
LumAI – ‘Luminescent tagging of documents and the method of their mobile detection based on Hyperspectral Imaging and Artificial Intelligence’ is an interdisciplinary project combining knowledge in the field of materials engineering, optical imaging and characterization, and information technologies. The project addresses the need to enhance protection of the security documents (passports, IDcards, tax stamps) against counterfeiting. The objective of the LumAI is to develop a novel class of functional materials and the method of their mobile detection that will be used in an innovative document security system. The luminescent powder will be incorporated into ink and printed on paper or polymer film. The activation will be performed by a model of multichannel flash lamp. For detection, smartphone application based on hyperspectral imaging and AI approach will be used. This technique will facilitate the verification of the authenticity of the documents and help fight against forgery. It allows the user not only to confirm the document but also to identify its producer, which provides additional security. The LumAI project represents collaborative design of problem-oriented research and creative integration of knowledge across disciplines including material and computer science.
Project LumAI was selected in the Joint Transnational Call 2022 of M-ERA.NET 3, which is an EU-funded network of about 49 funding organisations (Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 958174). The project is funded by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) in Poland, Latvian Council of Science (LZP) in Latvia and Research Council of Lithuania (LMT) in Lithuania.
About the project
Project duration: 1.06.2023 – 30.11.2025
Total project cost: 730 000 euro
NCBR co-financing: 1 752 123,50 PLN
The project is realized by a consortium of:
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics (Poland) – project leader
- 3D-nano (Poland)
- Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (Latvia)
- Vilnius University (Lithuania)
- Garsų Pasaulis UAB (Lithuania)
Project webpage (in preparation)
In media:
Forum Akademickie (in Polish)
Social media LinkedIn
Contact details
Project leader dr inż. Kamila Leśniewska-Matys