We Are Going to Develop the Next Generation of GaN HEMT Transistors (GaNLIN)Angelina Sielewicz2023-03-01T15:30:46+01:001 March 2023, 15:19|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Nanotechnologii|Tags: GaN, GaNLIN, power transistors|
G-Flake® Graphene Oxide [Publication in CARBON]Angelina Sielewicz2023-02-28T14:21:52+01:0028 February 2023, 14:09|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Nanotechnologii, Publikacje|Tags: carbon, G Flake, graphene|
We Have Launched The G-Flake® WebsiteAngelina Sielewicz2023-02-22T10:00:34+01:0021 February 2023, 09:50|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Nanotechnologii|Tags: G Flake, graphene|
We Could Convert Waste Heat into Electrical EnergyAngelina Sielewicz2023-02-17T15:14:01+01:0016 February 2023, 10:52|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Materiałów Funkcjonalnych|Tags: COTEG, energy crisis, waste heat|
Take Part in 2nd Conference on FAST/SPSAngelina Sielewicz2023-02-24T15:03:02+01:0015 February 2023, 10:49|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Materiałów Funkcjonalnych, Konferencje|Tags: FAST/SPS|
The Biggest Charity Action in Poland & Our GrapheneAngelina Sielewicz2023-02-09T10:28:23+01:009 February 2023, 10:28|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Nanotechnologii, Konferencje|Tags: charity, flake graphene, G Flake, GOCC, graphene, WOŚP|
We Are Hiring! Directors of Research Centers WantedAngelina Sielewicz2023-02-06T13:37:46+01:006 February 2023, 13:35|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Mikroelektroniki, Centrum Nanotechnologii|Tags: hiring, job offers|
Where Does His Enthusiasm About Polish Science Come From?Angelina Sielewicz2023-02-03T09:28:23+01:003 February 2023, 08:55|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Fotoniki|Tags: interview, photonics, Polish science, wywiad na weekend|
SPIE Photonics WEST: summaryAngelina Sielewicz2023-02-02T10:49:46+01:002 February 2023, 10:33|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Fotoniki, Centrum Nanotechnologii, Konferencje|Tags: photonics, SPIE Photonics WEST|
SPIE Photonics West Has Just Started!Angelina Sielewicz2023-01-31T09:16:19+01:0031 January 2023, 09:14|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Fotoniki, Konferencje|Tags: SPIE Photonics WEST|
See You at SPIE Photonics!Angelina Sielewicz2023-01-26T10:06:53+01:0026 January 2023, 10:06|Categories: Aktualności, Centrum Nanotechnologii, CoVSens, Konferencje|Tags: charity, SPIE Photonics WEST, WOŚP|
International Education DayAngelina Sielewicz2023-01-24T14:57:45+01:0024 January 2023, 14:57|Categories: Aktualności|Tags: International Education Day., UNESCO|